Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 75,744    [ Give / Take ]


39 entries this month

23:01 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 1,319

What makes me happy after being off VR for a while?

Corruption Junction 1112 Entries [- NEW -]

Snake Beef 473 Entries [- NEW -]

Circle jerk 1206 Entries

Personals 344 Entries [- NEW -]

Packing Peanuts 1591 Entries [- NEW -]

Reading journals and seeing all the NEW, catching up on my friends lives, seeing how they are doing in life.


Just wish Birdy and Cat used theirs more.



23:05 Sep 30 2011

Welcome back!!

01:03 Oct 01 2011

Missed you. Hope you had a good Birthday

01:18 Oct 01 2011

I am glad you're back. ::hug:: Go sleep, pretty lady!

01:57 Oct 01 2011

I still prefer in person but.....suppose I could try some.


21:58 Sep 30 2011
Times Read: 1,313

After a long week that went great at work *everyone showed up, no one got hurt after 5 day office move, and no claims* I am sitting in my nice chair, sweater on over my nightgown, house cool as cold weather comes in. Potato soup with crispy bacon stirred in is in the dutch oven on the stove as I wait for the fresh bread to cook in the oven. :D The house is smelling so much like a home.

Now to catch up on VR, sent some messages, check the House, forum, etc.... so much to catch up on. :)

Life is good.




00:53 Sep 28 2011
Times Read: 1,133

Been offline for a while- between the cold, early morning work times, I just been getting by. But I had to check my email and found the magic words...

Morrigon- tagged- photo.


That made me spend a few minutes online, and so glad I did. That little bird is full of skill.

Now- bed for me. I swear I will answe the messages as soon as I can, and not sleepy due to the cough syrup I am taking.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Miss ya all...and you know who ya all are.




00:59 Sep 28 2011

Sleep. Heal. Love.

01:07 Sep 28 2011

*points above ^^ what she said*

03:01 Sep 28 2011

Get better soon sis *hugs*

03:23 Sep 28 2011

Yes - get well! And try to get more sleep!

14:10 Sep 28 2011

Hope you managed a rest.

15:27 Sep 28 2011

sorry to hear your sick sweetie hope you feel better . healing prayers for ya .


16:56 Sep 25 2011
Times Read: 1,151

Seems I have gotten some calls on my cell that I don't know the numbers of. So if you called me this week, yesterday... sorry. Tell me you did, and I will put your name with the number, so I will answer them from now on. I know I answered one such call yesterday but my head was so full of cough meds... I slur my speech even. I don't remember even who it was with.





15:11 Sep 25 2011
Times Read: 1,159

Thank you to all who wished me a Happy Birthday. :D Yesterday did not go as I expected. Started Friday morning when my cough turned ugly, the phlegm turning dark brown. Showed the house we have for rent most of the day, then had to wait for a truck to get in off a long move, after 7:00 pm. I came home, ate, and went to bed.

Yesterday I woke to ears ringing, the glands in my throat swollen, throat sore, pain behind my eyes, and a cough from hell. Seeing as it was all of 4:00 am, I took some cough meds, and went back to sleep. Sis called me at 10:30 to tell me I had another showing at noon, and could hear how sick I was.

I did the showing, after calling Cat and telling her I was bailing on the dinner at her house that night. Thank goodness it was for her own sister's B/D dinner. Also got a call from Birdy, wishing me a happy birthday.

I showed the house twice, then came home back to bed, telling sis to call me if I need to show again. She called me around 5:00 to ask me if she could use my oven. Seems she had mixed up a cake and the stove would not heat up, the element is out. Sure... I drag out, brother brought me the cake in the pan, in oven, back to sleep, 25 mins later she called and I went and got it out. About a hour later he came to get the cake, bringing me dinner. Ahhhh.... roast, grave, mashed tatters, beans. I ate, and tried to stay up a little... only to fall sleep in the living room chair.

Back to bed, just got settled, when sis called again. My birthday cake was on the way. :D Two big slices, M&M on top, candle in the center of one slice, a small cup of ice cream.

I ate it, then went to sleep. That was about 8:30 and I just woke up again at 9:40 am, feeling some what better. Ears still hurt, throat not so sore, cough still going. But the pain behind my eyes have eased a little. :)

Now laundry is a must, washing the pile of dishes in the sink, and trying to stay awake as I have to work in the morning, be up at 6:30 am.

So while my birthday kind of sucked- family, friends, and those of you online who wished me a Happy One- you made my day very special. :D Thank you all.



15:56 Sep 25 2011

I missed the thread but I did get a call in:) Glad you are feeling a bit better Katiedyd.

We will celebrate NEXT weekend if all goes well.

18:18 Sep 25 2011

Is cuz we lurves you. ♥


18:34 Sep 23 2011
Times Read: 1,180

Today is my oldest friend birthday. When I say oldest, I mean she is one from just out of 5th grade. Old old old.. a few hours older then me. lol In her honor- a band she loves. :)




00:12 Sep 23 2011
Times Read: 1,193

Good bye to the last day of Summer. :D



00:42 Sep 23 2011

Yes! Heeeelllooooo Autumn, and the smell of October!

03:18 Sep 23 2011

*clings and holds tight* I don't want it to go bye bye yet. :(

18:29 Sep 23 2011

Summer didn't even touch Scotland :(

11:54 Sep 24 2011

Trees are already starting to turn in town here. I'd say we have snow before November in the mile high this year.


23:06 Sep 21 2011
Times Read: 1,214

Cat's sister gave me a recliner chair. :D My rose color one was getting old, the back had springs poking out the cloth. Now I have a really nice one, all soft and snuggle like. Looking around my living room I see that I have new couch/ loveseat and now a chair without a penny spent. How lucky is that? Family- you got to love them. :)

Sis made a turkey today so it was a nice dinner for me. She even made stuffing, mashed tatters, devil eggs. Early Thanksgiving. :)

Weather is cool- and I got ghost show to watch tonight. On Syfy is a show at 10:00 pm called Paranormal Witness. Some great ghost stories, fun to watch. :)

So that is three :) and knowing how freaking lucky I am in life. That is the score for my day.



23:24 Sep 21 2011

I adore these lovely little vignettes you give us. ♥

You always make my heart smile, woman. Always.

06:08 Sep 22 2011

I caught the Paranomal Witness and I was creeped out!!! Loved it!!!


20:14 Sep 20 2011
Times Read: 1,266

I told myself months ago I was going to take a photo of myself at 45 years old. Right out of the shower, no makeup, morning light... me at 45.

Then I got a god damn cold sore on my upper lip from the stress of the office move.

While I wanted to record myself, wrinkles and age spots, just as I am... the huge blister type sore on my upper lip was not part of that plan.




20:21 Sep 20 2011

Still got a few days, right? Time enough to go grab something from Walgreens to zap it away quickly :)

20:30 Sep 20 2011

Hehe I've seen you in person. You're beautiful. Maybe we should do some pictures together >.>

22:26 Sep 20 2011

Cold sore or not ,you'll always be Beautiful to me. besides I'm older then you and you still look better then me.

23:37 Sep 20 2011

You are simply lovely. :)

23:48 Sep 20 2011

Wolfy agrees with the gang. You are beautiful no matter what you look like and we all LOVE you!

00:47 Sep 21 2011

yup *points up* what they said- and I've been in your shower- that alone is enough for me to love you...lol

20:03 Sep 21 2011

You are simply beautiful, in any light.

23:08 Sep 21 2011

Ahhh... you all are angels. I was whinney about a cold sore, and look what happens. :)

So... thanks...and... look- shinney over there... *runs the other way*


20:52 Sep 19 2011
Times Read: 1,295

Office move is done, and I even got the Fall decorations out and set up at home. :)

Cooler weather here, storm moving in.

I want to make a soup, fresh bread. Mmmm... bread.

Such little things makes such a happy Rat.




20:55 Sep 19 2011

Mmm. Potato soup and fresh crusty bread.

Sounds unhealthy but tasty.

21:24 Sep 19 2011


Why is it that everytime I come by your journal I smell wonderful food cooking? And I leave here soooo hungry.

Now Im thinking French Bagette,warm and chewy and buttery..

Shame,SHAME on you!!!

22:24 Sep 19 2011

Damn you woman :P

00:00 Sep 20 2011

I LOVE making fresh bread!


Damn. I must cook!

00:20 Sep 20 2011

lol What??? It's my fault now? :D

09:34 Sep 20 2011

It's almost pumpkin stew time!

20:20 Sep 20 2011

I'm starvin' for some soup and bread now YUMMY

23:00 Sep 20 2011

That is a good recipe for a happy meeper too.


22:22 Sep 18 2011
Times Read: 1,328

Trying to find a movie... and can't remember the name. It is sort of a Hills Has Eyes- but the lady starts to fight the bad guys. I can see the movie poster even... blood covered woman, weapon in hand.

Any clue what movie I am thinking about? It is a few years old.



22:25 Sep 18 2011

reminds me of wrong turn.

22:28 Sep 18 2011

Any other clues you can think of?

22:45 Sep 18 2011

That is not the movie Kitten, thanks. :)

No- I just remember wanting to watch it because it showed a strong woman who end up killing the killers. I can't remember any other clues. Dang it. :(

23:18 Sep 18 2011

Texas Chainsaw Massacre? I think the original movie had a poster showing a blood covered woman holding some sort of weapon.

00:22 Sep 19 2011

High Tension

01:04 Sep 19 2011

That is the movie Otter. Thanks. :D


03:30 Sep 18 2011
Times Read: 1,375

Yeah... I read. All I can say is..



05:27 Sep 18 2011

I remeber this song!


02:46 Sep 18 2011
Times Read: 1,383

Seems it was a band competition, and it was really a great night for one. Cool, little breeze. Took about 150 photos, have no clue if they are good or not as I sent the card home with Cat's sis. Cat is sick, and no way am I getting near her. :) But I did play with the setting some, those football field lights was something new for me.

Great thing about Cat and her family. They let me take photos, ask me to, with the understanding they just might not come out. lol :D

I can just have fun, knowing they will not throw a fit if I screw up.




14:26 Sep 17 2011
Times Read: 1,397

I am here, but not really here. House is a wreck, I need more sleep, feet still hurt from all the standing this last 4 days. Got so much to do but ... don't want to start. :)

Last weekend went to the local Indian Fest. Took some photos, need to edit those. Then Sunday, early, me and Cat went out to explore. Only found on nice place, as the other ones was burnt or dullness.

Of course climbing over the farm gate was fun, Cat saving me from a nice fall as she grab my shirt tail. LOL We will look back on that as really old ladies and laugh. Right after your sister pokes her cane at me and tells me how stupid it was. Wait- she already did that. ;)

It was fun, us laughing so much while I climb a metal farm gate with wet socks, trying to not grab hold of the barbed wire post, was the best part of the weekend.

I got messages here to return, but... have to start on really life catching up first. Laundry, housework is first.



18:29 Sep 17 2011

It was scary at the time but so dang funny the minute you were safe and then sis threatens you with her cane for being reckless! Getting old ain't so bad when you got good crazy friends to hang with there. :)

22:09 Sep 17 2011

Glad to see you had some fun this week. Hang in there, we will still be here :)


23:20 Sep 15 2011
Times Read: 1,438

You have no idea..ideal.. whatever the fucking word is... just how badly I want to tell you to kiss my fucking ass yesterday when you started your mouth.

And this morning....

But I am too much like my Mother to put up with you and know there is always ALWAYS someone above ... so one call to Washington, and then the rest of today went so much better.

And in the morning I will take that extra step, and help you empty that building out,,, why? Because we fucking ass ROCK! while your boss will see you are the fucking prick that you are. So when the shit starts being flung, they will not have one bitch about our company.

Now- I have had dinner, hot shower, and a pain killer. Last night I could not sleep from being so pissed off...but tonight.. tonight I will.

One more day, then Monday... and I will never see you again.

Fucking asshole... you need to learn what the law is, and how you can't talk to me like that. Federal goverment frowns on shit that came out of your mouth, I can sue for that shit.



23:23 Sep 15 2011


Ass rock? O.o

01:36 Sep 16 2011

Yes. Idea.

Hahahah I see Bones' funny ... ass rock. Sounds like there ought to be a cream for that, lovey. :D

01:40 Sep 16 2011

lol you go girl! you show them who's boss around there.

02:06 Sep 16 2011

*Hands you a glass of wine* my cure all.


22:36 Sep 12 2011
Times Read: 1,474


You cheap ass DVD... I am done with you. I have to wiggle the damn cable to get the sound to work, goes in and out. And now you will not even freaking play a DVD.

So happy to throw your ass in the trash.

And I still had a season and a half of Doc Martin to watch.

You piece of crap.




22:59 Sep 12 2011


:( I am sorry your DVD player is being an ass. =\

23:07 Sep 12 2011

when mine did that, i beat it with a wrench...then it worked..lol

21:43 Sep 13 2011

Time for a blu-ray perhaps?


22:42 Sep 11 2011
Times Read: 1,492

A beautiful morning that found me washing my pickup, Dad sitting in a chair near me, tightening the bolts on a dollies wheels. It’s a cool morning and we are having a slow day at work, only ones around/ working as no jobs. Sister is in the office, mom and my brother are home with our puppy. (Shepuppy) I finished washing my truck by hand, and asked dad if he wanted me to leave the soapy water in the bucket. I remember as he joke his car (VW Golf) needed washed.

I left him to it as I needed to take my car to the car wash to vacuum. I walked into the office and, sticking my head in the door, told my sister where I was going. She was listening to the radio and told me a small plane had just hit one of the Towers in New York. Thinking that was strange as it would be hard to miss seeing those buildings, I tell Dad as I leave.

I left here, and drove the two or three miles to the car wash. Just as I finished and was hanging the hose back up my cell phone went off. It was my sister telling me to come home, Mother wanted me home now. By then the second plane had hit. I drove home to find a closed sign on the office and everyone at my mom and dad’s.

As a family we sat and watched the news, Dad telling us of the underground docks he had taken a tractor trailer into in the towers. How it looked when last he had been there. One of the few times I saw tears in my fathers eyes.

Sister called the ladies we worked with at the Army base, and they said they were alright, just scared. We made several calls that day to them, as they were unable to leave and did not have a TV.

Dad went to fuel up every car and truck we had. Mom told use to go get cash out of the bank, so we will have it on hand. They had lived threw war…we never have. They told us our world had changed that day and we needed to remember.

That is were I was on this day ten years ago.




21:48 Sep 11 2011
Times Read: 1,500

To those who lost love ones this day ten years ago

To those who sat, crying as the TV showed the horror

To those who understand the world changed that day

I send my respect and love.

God Bless America.



21:50 Sep 11 2011

I do also! It was horrible!


21:29 Sep 10 2011
Times Read: 1,524

There is this new website, UE. It is about urban exploring, photos. I joined a few weeks ago.

I posted the little snipped I wrote about my first trip into decaying building on the site forum about your first time that I started, and they wished me to submit it for a print magazine the owner of the site is trying to start. O.o

And today I came home to see a request to submit two of my photos for the magazine.


And I sit here, reading that email and notice, fighting my urge to just delete it. Why? They whole self doubt thing. And I don’t want to be notice. It…scares me. Truth told- that is the reason. I just read these and wanted to hide. Don’t ask- I just want to.

But I had a phone call with Seven and Meeper, and just listening to them calmed me. I did not tell them about it till the end, and by then I was cooler with it. I mean… the dude is going to use what he can to fill out the first magazine, right? It is just that simple, his first one. It is fine, no one will notice my name, and I can say I am a published photographer to someone who likes to throw her collage educated skill at me. I can do this… and anyone who talks to these two ladies for longer then a few minutes will feel better. That and knowing my photos are going to hang in their home, they like them that well.

But after we hung up the phone, and I sat here and reread the email and notice… and the fear returns. I write this because I want to confront it, get my fear out there. And I know I need to send the photos in, even if they never come out in print, I took that step. Like the photo contest- I took that step.

So much in my life- I need to take that next step.

So… we are going to take a deep breath, and we are going to send them in. We are going to tweak that story, find that photo that I see in my mind’s eye that goes with it and send it in for an article. Even if they never see the sunlight again, I took that step.

I say we as you dear reader, have been on this ride with me. So we need to just enjoy the honor of being asked, and take the steps forward. Right? No hiding…



21:59 Sep 10 2011

you know, I love your photos. I think it would be a shame if you decided not to let other people see just how evocative your photos are - they tell a story, they make me wonder about what has happened in the places you photograph, and I feel something when I look at them.

Now, it is your choice whether or not to put yourself 'out there' and everyone understands that is a difficult thing to do for anyone, but, if it helps, I think you're that good, and like the photo contest showed, other people like your stuff too.

21:59 Sep 10 2011

I know I am a GREAT one to be saying this (end sarcasm) but goddamn right. No hiding. :)

You take amazing photos - and I want to see you get out there and let your children play in the light of other people's eyes, honey. :)

00:25 Sep 11 2011

You are a great writer, a great photographer and as I have been learning over these last few weeks an AMAZING woman! You can do it! Just send them and don't over think things. They aren't doing it as a favor they want them because you are talented. Believe in yourself.


03:06 Sep 10 2011
Times Read: 1,588

Care to guess who's boobs these are??? She is in the Zoo, well known on the site, been here since the start.

:) Come on.. guess...



03:09 Sep 10 2011

I am sure I know those boobs!

03:12 Sep 10 2011

I know these tatas! ♥ AND the mole!

03:34 Sep 10 2011

Well, the tattoo gives it away- Khayman!

03:38 Sep 10 2011

Khayman bewbies!!!!!! lol

03:38 Sep 10 2011

Always makes me giggle when another mans wife (no matter WHY) recognizes my bewbies. *eg*

03:46 Sep 10 2011

Images got it!!


12:34 Sep 10 2011

lol what's with this boobs thing? I'm seeing boobs in avatars.

15:48 Sep 10 2011

lmao!! with all the boobies do we get to call you,ll the boob sisters now?


02:01 Sep 10 2011
Times Read: 1,599

Went to the library today. :) Set for a month of reading, if not more.

Got a book on Timothy Humphrey, killer. And another one on the killing of James Byrd, in Jasper TX. Talk about some strange looks when I asked for books on Son of Sam. Seems the lady had no idea what I was talking about, and when I explained... yeah... small towns. Guess that one will one I look up online myself, get the number and hunt.

Been in a mood to read about Russia. So I got a book on Ivan the Terrible, Nicholas the 2nd, Alexander the 1st, Alexandra, and one on the tragedy at Ekaterinburg.

Oh... and one about pioneer women, letters wrote by the people living it.

And a DVD about the Widows of Harlan Co. about coal mining.

Yeap- I am set for a few months easy. :)



03:18 Sep 10 2011

online rechecking is your friend no doubt.:)


17:09 Sep 09 2011
Times Read: 1,622


If you are a nut for any photos about Chernobyl- check out that site. Best I have ever seen.



17:57 Sep 09 2011

I am in awe. That is some amazing photography. Some of the pictures gave me the chills. I can just see people walking around and working there. Interesting how they can't really do anything about the area for a very long time yet to come. Too much radiation around still. Yet they hold public tours there, but only for a few minutes at a time. Thanks for sharing that. Awesome!

18:58 Sep 09 2011

Amazing photography! The Kindergarden one got to me.

22:34 Sep 09 2011

Do a search on YouTube for, Chernobyl. There are quite a few videos on it, some quite interesting. ;)


23:42 Sep 08 2011
Times Read: 1,655

Damn- The president is speaking tonight. I knew there was a reason I wanted to get to the library today, got all my books read.

Guess I will just do my nails, listen to some music.



01:41 Sep 09 2011

I can so tell you are the presidents biggest fan :P

01:51 Sep 09 2011

Just as well; it was a repeat.


23:02 Sep 08 2011
Times Read: 1,660

Ok weather. I am loving the cooler weather. Just asking for one more thing- stop the rain for this weekend.

*sits with camera in hand*

I got some old abandoned houses to get into, damn it.




00:21 Sep 09 2011

Ahha, you asked for the rain! ;P



22:49 Sep 06 2011
Times Read: 1,786

Boob show!! Thanks to all those members from this site who donated- we are going ahead with the tatas show. In honor of Morrigon, her team called the Muddy Otters, and the charity event called Dirty Girls that supports the research of cancer prevention and research- I give you… the Boob Show!

*pulls the curtain*

Now we play a game. Listed below the photos are the names of the members who step up and showed what they had for this show. You get to try and match boobs to the right person, first one to post the right list gets the bragging rights.

So we start…

A- They’re MINE!

B- Innocent in Purple.

C- Sexy in Black and White

D- Dirty

E- Artistically Dirty

F- Clean

G- Save the tatas- Feed the World!

H- Turtle tatas.

That is right- a male step up to aid in this cause, and I find that very encouraging. Breast cancer is not just a female issue-

Male breast cancer is a rare condition, accounting for only about 1% of all breast cancers. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2010, about 1,970 new cases of breast cancer in men would be diagnosed and that breast cancer would cause approximately 390 deaths in men (in comparison, almost 40,000 women die of breast cancer each year). Breast cancer is 100 times more common in women than in men. Most cases of male breast cancer are detected in men between the ages of 60 and 70, although the condition can develop in men of any age. A man's lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is about 1/10 of 1%, or one in 1,000.

Taken from: MedicineNet

Now the list of members who gave us this show-









Please become aware, do your self examinations, and get any lumps and changes to your breast checked.

Now- let’s give Otter, and her group of female warriors, a send off with all the best wishes we can send her. Thanks Otter, and to all those women, who are getting Dirty for us. From giving a donation, to just sending Morrigon a message wishing her well- you have given your support to the cause. The event is this Saturday, hope it all goes well and no one is hurt during the run.

And thank you ladies, and gentleman, for joining me in the tatas show. You all rock in my world!



23:37 Sep 06 2011


00:01 Sep 07 2011


00:05 Sep 07 2011

No one brave enough to guess which boobs match who? ;)

00:28 Sep 07 2011

I'm pretty sure I know all of them, but I'm going to refrain. ;)

00:32 Sep 07 2011

I'm gonna sound like a creeper here... but;

Req, NightGame, Mooneh, VW, faeriemoon, Elemental, PD, Globehead... :P

01:26 Sep 07 2011

Save the TaTa's! Dey iz niiiiiice....

02:19 Sep 07 2011

Awesome! Man that's tough.. The one with dirty girl written across the chest is really cool!

02:30 Sep 07 2011

The pics turned out really, really good!

I think I know all of 'em, but Ima keep muh mouth shushed. lol

15:03 Sep 07 2011

Eloquent- you got the first two right. ;)

PD- she messaged me, and had all of them right.

A- Req

B- Nightgame

C- PD herself

D- Me

E- Moonie

F- Elemental

G- faeriemoom with the photo of her baby

H- is of course, captainglobehead


16:16 Sep 07 2011

Aaw :p

I was hoping someone who didn't have loonies boobies committed to memory would have guessed and got it right. ;p

16:36 Sep 07 2011

Males- they get locked into one and stay fixed. ;) lol

This was fun, we should do something like this again.

02:29 Sep 08 2011

Ha! Before we even looked at the comments Seven and I were trying to match photos to people. We got a few right lol

13:24 Sep 09 2011

idk why but for some reason i see G as mooniepie.... i think its the hair....lol

you guys thou are braver then i for upping the tata's lol

02:18 Sep 10 2011

1. Requiem

2. Nightgame

3. PhoenicianDream

4. VampireWitch39

5. MooniePie

6. Elemental

7. Faeriemoon

8. Captainglobehead


Did I win?

02:27 Sep 10 2011

:) Sure did.

Of course the answers are listed above.

You must not of seen it, so yes- you win. :D

02:40 Sep 10 2011

1. Requiem

2. Nightgame

3. PhoenicianDream

4. VampireWitch39

5. MooniePie

6. Elemental

7. Faeriemoon

8. Captainglobehead


Did I win?

02:44 Sep 10 2011

Haha, I totally didn't even see it. :(

And for some reason, it posted again after you wrote your response. Damn computer is acting shady, lol.


21:47 Sep 06 2011
Times Read: 1,800

Blood work is in. Vit D is low, so taking supplement. Surgar is on the edge. And have a underactive thyroid, which she has called in meds for. And I know Birdy and Cat is going to ask so - Levothroxine 25MCG. Another set of blood work in 8 weeks.

Yeap= as I face the big 4..5... I am falling apart.




22:11 Sep 06 2011

Wishing you well with it all. I've been 'border-line' for my last two tests now and I know my life-style won't change so just enjoy life.

22:12 Sep 06 2011

:( Good ol' hormones.

02:17 Sep 07 2011

Welcome to my world, sugar- the thyroid med will help enormously, trust me.

02:24 Sep 08 2011

Well you've out lasted me in the falling apart. Yippie for advancements in drugs that allow us to hijack all the low level of just about anything and everything our blood work unearths.

Hang in there, my understanding is when you get a couple weeks in with the thyroid medicine you'll notice a change in not just weight but also energy levels.

05:01 Sep 09 2011

Thyroid meds here too. Most people have a Vitamin D shortage. It is suggested that vitamin D is very important when it comes to cancer prevention in women; the types of cancers we’re referring to are breast cancer, bladder cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer. I was so low, that I am on 5000mg of Vitamin D a day. They want me at 10,000, but I said, ummmm no. You will start to fell better. *Hugs*


15:08 Sep 06 2011
Times Read: 1,820

Tales of a Newbie Explorer.

I stood at the doorway, the door long gone to the stone school that was long closed. I looked into the darkness that these walls held, and I took a deep breath. This was it. I had found the school years before, even stood right in this spot and took a photo with my point and shot, to scared to climb those few steps upward, into the unknown.

Why now? What had changed? What in the world am I doing? I asked myself, my hand running down the camera strap around my neck, the Nikon resting on my stomach. My mind’s eye flashed back to all the horror movies I have watched since I was so very young, all the books read and the dreams that came from them. Nightmares… shouldn’t it of been nightmares?

Who knows what could be inside, but it was calling to me, like a ghost calls to those who will listen. Giving myself a little more time, I looked around, seeing the homes across the street, the dawn light just starting to hit the windows as the reflection of the school loomed in their darkness still. I had to do this, get in before the neighbors stirred.

I took a step up, hand going to the doorframe and caught my first breath of an abandoned building. Mold, dirt, a faint smell of an animal. A old light fixture hung down from the ceiling, rusted and abandoned like so much else in life. I think of my Father, his sudden death leaving me lost in a way, like this school. Left, alone and weakening by the day as the weather beat at my walls and roof. My walls? Didn’t I mean this buildings wall?

I step up the next step, and looked around me. A dog was walking down the street, a few of the street light had gone off with the raising sun’s rays. What would I find? What will these walls hold? This town was dying, the coal company leaving it to wither away, sending its youth away to make a living. But this school… I step up the last step, and looked inside, sunlight just touching the non existing windows lighting the deep hallway a few feet… this school had held the children of this town safe for many years. It would be like walking into a womb, which is what a school is in a way, nurturing and helping a child grow.

But looking at the floor layered in falling dust, the ceiling gone in spots that showed concrete floor above, you wonder why it had been left in such bad shape. Life. Life moved on, as it does in everything in nature. As it does in my own life, as my father’s death taught me in a most painful way.

Hearing a car starting, I took a last breath of fresh air, and I stepped into the decay.



17:37 Sep 06 2011

Really looking forward to your photos.

20:12 Sep 06 2011

That was moving. I like how you connect your art to your life, says a lot.


00:21 Sep 06 2011
Times Read: 1,854

*yawning* It has rained all day. Since last night really. And I am thinking a nice soft bed, a good book will be just the ending I need to this peaceful three day weekend.




00:25 Sep 06 2011

Pffttt, you don't expect us all to believe that, do you? ;P

00:27 Sep 06 2011

lol What? You think it is a sex book, with toys included?


Now you had to take my mind there.

Ok ok- it was me going there, but you started that roll.


00:37 Sep 06 2011

o.O I'd have gone there, too.

(Hey, Rat - a granny told me where the porn store is - get in the car, let's go!)

00:53 Sep 06 2011

Hmm... a vibrating book..

01:51 Sep 06 2011

Lucky you!!! We haven't had rain here since July 1st. We have major wildfires in the valley and brush fires up and down the interstate.

Can you send some to me?

02:43 Sep 06 2011

dang COLD with that rain too..it has dropped 30 degrees over night.....put the dang voodo doll up.....let it come NATURALLY,.. or else I will be couching and sneezing on YOU!!!

08:30 Sep 06 2011

The problem lays in the soft bed, not that you're the problem I mean a hard bed may be tha answer.

Hard or soft - enjoy!

09:59 Sep 06 2011

Ooo oooo I want to go to the porn store too!!! I have a uh 'curiousity' that I think will only be solved by a porn store trip. =D

13:09 Sep 06 2011

Gee... and here I was thinking I might of cross the line with my comment. LOL

*hugs all of ya*


19:53 Sep 05 2011
Times Read: 1,890

Ta-tas show is very soon. (In the private journal below ;) I am waiting on one other photo. Open to anyone who wishes to share, get into the support of Dirty Girls and Morrigon getting down and dirty. ;)

Just send me the photo, within VR rules, a name for the photo- and you can be in the show.


I see this show opening on Wen morning so... get them in!



20:16 Sep 05 2011

YAY! I love tatas!

22:17 Sep 05 2011

But, what on earth would I wear to cover my nipples? :P

22:30 Sep 05 2011

Male nipples- are free to show. ;)

09:56 Sep 06 2011

I can't get him to wear the pasties when you tell him that VW! :p


22:55 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 1,949

Seems I won first place and second place in two different categories the photo contest. Of about 65 entries, I am shocked. While the other winners, almost all going to two men who are professional that went to collage for it, was the winner on the other categories. And I got to see cell phone photos of those photos, and I have to say they were some stunning photos. The best in show was of a lighthouse at sunrise, the light showing so bright. The other a black and white photo under a pier on the ocean. Some great work from all who enter.

The judge, an outside professional photographer, also wrote notes on the back of all the photos, hints to improve. So here we go….

Holiday category- Blue ribbon, first place. Now I know this was the only one enter, at least when I left. Still I will take my first ribbon since I won for a flower back when I was 14. Not bad for one I did not want to enter.

Judges notes- Very good mood capture, color brilliant. Needs to be matted.


Judge notes- Mood capture is VERY good, should be matted.

Flower- I love this photo. I know I have many more flower shots that are better but I just wanted this one to be shown. And that is what this was all about, getting my ‘style’ and name out there. Seems the judge did not like it that much. I just love for the darkness, the color as a storm trashed the wind about me. The sky was seconds from opening up, and I pulled up to this lovely bush beside the road. I only got a few shots off before the sky opened up in a downpour.

Judge notes- good photo, needs to be matted.

Nature/ scenery- Now truth told I used the edit on this shot, and changed it a lot. The color is nothing like the original, but I liked it this way as it captured the ‘feel’ of the storm coming in.

Judge notes- Dramatic weather photo- could improve by using a polarizing filter.

Two things-

1. I have one of those now, did not have at the time. But dislike as they thread on the lens front and easy to get stuck.

2. I know what the hell he is talking about. LOL I understood, know it was me over editing it, but the original would have been so much better with the filter.

Miscellanies- The one they did not know how to class. LOL But I am told it is the one that got most comments as people tried to figure out where/ what it was of.

Judges notes- Dramatic mood captured by photo. Very good composition. Needs to be matted and enlarged.

Ahhh… he liked it. Cool.

Black and White- this one I won second place for. YEAH! I say a few of the others when I dropped this off, and I am stun I won.

Judge notes- Very good story in the photo, captured well. Needs to be matted and enlarging it will increase the dramatic effect you captured.

So that is it. I knew when I walked in and saw all those matted, on easel, great photos I was out of my depth. But seems I stood on my own two feet, had a good showing. But I learned what would improve my chances if I enter another contest, like matting and work on the display more. And to get ready early, not just pulling some prints out and plop them down.

I am kind of surprised I placed at all. But for the Holiday one. LOL Sure there will be more entries in that one next year. Wow… I placed!! *does a dance, hands up, butt wiggle* WOO HOOO… I am an award winning photographer. :D



23:40 Sep 03 2011

WOOOH! Those are excellent photos. Part of the challenge is deciding which ones to enter and you really did a great job.

00:11 Sep 04 2011

YAY! How super exciting! I'm so happy for you and you deserve it, love the photos, each one of them has something to say. :)

00:17 Sep 04 2011

That is fabulous, VW. :) I am so very proud of you!

00:26 Sep 04 2011

I'm so proud of you!!!! Those are awesome. *hugs* Congrats.

00:50 Sep 04 2011

These were all really good but I loved the last two you deserved your places :)


01:00 Sep 04 2011

I'm ... well ... I ... I ... ... I'm speechless. For starters, CONGRATULATIONS on your awards. Your images are amazing, and it's not surprising you would be winning awards.

Now ... and I don't say this to be negative ... but what in the hell is the point in critiquing an image that took 1st place? That is really like a back-handed compliment. If you critique it, you didn't like it, why give it an award ... I'm just saying.

I know you are like me in this area; you openly welcome all feedback, ideas, lessons, etc ... but, again ... you are the photographer, these are your images, its your artwork. I'm glad the judge thinks your image needed a polarized filter on this - but - what if you meant to take an image without such a filter? That's what makes all of us unique.

As for the matting ... wow ... really? Does this guy run a mat shop? Is he suffering from the poor economy? He made the same comment on every image "needs to be matted" ... again .. WHY? Just because mats exist in the world, does not mean your artwork has to be matted. While a mat can be used to increase the visual appeal of an image - I've seen mats do the exact opposite. "Wow, what a great image - how sad they used a mat." Let me ask you this ... how did the matting work out for the other contestants - you took 2 awards with unmatted images. Now, if the contest rules state images have to be a certain size, mounted, matted, or framed - that is of course a different story - but I assume it's not required, or you would have done that to begin with.

Okay - that's enough from me (o.o) Again, congrats on your awards! Now you've got braggin' rights!!

03:05 Sep 04 2011

Thank you all. :) And Lord V- the rules said you can mat then, not a requirement. Like you said, I would of not enter them otherwise.

Your points are taken, and understood. Like the flower photo- I have some kick ass flower photos, but this one is the one I can still remember where, how, the storm, the fell of the wind. It just speaks to me so I entered it, knowing it would not appeal to the masses.

Every photo I enter had a story, ones I loved. And that makes it OK if I did not win anything, as it is the joy of taking them that makes me happy. :)

But the bragging rights is good to have too. ;) ;)


My Mom was very happy, proud to see the two ribbons. :D

11:09 Sep 04 2011

O.o I think a judge or two might like things matted.

Congrats woman!!! Well deserved!

20:05 Sep 05 2011

Yay you, WTG ... very well done!

22:53 Sep 05 2011


23:05 Sep 05 2011

These pix kick butt!! I love them.:) Congrats on everything!

02:45 Sep 08 2011

I was reading your journal aloud to Seven and when I said you had placed in multiple categories the response was "Well no shit" Then again we've always been massive fans of your photography as your industrial decay images are quite compelling. I'm proud of you Ray for entering and learning that indeed you do have a gift according to a "professional" with a matting fixation.

02:46 Sep 08 2011

*Rat not Ray... geez I do know your name lol


21:12 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 1,957

Birdy's Mom is on the way to bring me the photos I enter in the contest.

Oh shit...

*runs to get dress, clean the kitchen, etc...*

It is like my own Mother 'stopping in."




21:36 Sep 03 2011

Hahaha! Cute.


19:08 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 1,963

Calling all those with boobs!! :D Get those photos in to me by Tuesday, please. Going to post them on Wednesday.




17:41 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 1,978

Been catching up on the news. Banks being sued for fraud. What? I mean loaning people whose net pay a month is $4,000.00 - with car payments, kids, etc- giving them a house load that payment is $1,500.00 a month... was against the law?

Gosh.. who knew?

No wonder no one can afford a freaking house today. You bloomed the prices up so high, faked income statements to get the loans, gave people loans that should never of had them.... and then it went belly up when it caught up with you.

Who did not see this coming? I mean... some of the people I saw even our local bank giving loans to showed at some point it was going to come to a head.

It is how the car companies got in money trouble. They over priced, selling cars for 25 to $30, 000.00 to people who just can't afford to keep the payments up. You can't sell that price to someone who makes less then that a year.

And people wonder why folks ain't spending.




16:29 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 1,991

Went on cam to try out Elemental new laptop cam. Only to have it turn into a pain as her's would work, mine would not. So we are trying it under yahoo IM.

Dang VR. And I went on cam with no makeup, hair still odd from sleep. LOL

Sorry you all missed it, Reaper caught it tho.



16:39 Sep 03 2011

yeah so you with no make up .............lol.........but we had a good talk didn't we witchy........lol

17:18 Sep 03 2011

Dammit woman, give us warning!!

BTW - I find MSN the best to sort out webcams as it doesn't eat into your pc's memory. Just message me if you want to play.

18:45 Sep 03 2011

Sexy mama ;)


08:50 Sep 03 2011
Times Read: 2,011

3:49 am. Good to know my sucky sleep pattern is not going to let the long weekend mess with it. Nope- it is staying in true form.


I would take a sleeping pill but it is to late now.

Will not make that mistake again tonight.

Now... to rate some. I have read a book for over a hour trying to get back to sleep so maybe rating will do the trick.

Come on VR magic.. work, dull my mind to numbness.



09:13 Sep 03 2011

The problem with sleeping pills is that they can become addictive, and then when your system gets used to them you cant sleep anyway. My mum is testament to this! For me St. John's wort during the day and camomile tea at night usually works, and cutting out regular tea and coffee after midday :)

09:59 Sep 03 2011

You should have gone with the mushrooms :-p


18:11 Sep 02 2011
Times Read: 2,036

Stuffed portobello mushrooms... what a way to start a three day weekend. :D

I also got some fresh shiitake mushrooms. Anyone know how to cook those? I have never eaten then before, or cooked with them before.

Any clues? Hints? :)



18:29 Sep 02 2011


They can be fried in a little butter for 4 to 5 minutes.Or you can grill them by brushing them with a little olive oil then cook for 5 to 10 minutes. You can also stir-fry them, roast them or poach them in the microwave.

All kinds of stuff! Let me know how they turn out.:D

20:00 Sep 02 2011

Oh my, I don't no whether to come 'round to you or to Oceanne!! lol

20:15 Sep 02 2011

:) So I can cook it about anyway I want. Might try it in stir fry.

I was going to say you could do us both but... ;)

22:01 Sep 02 2011

They're great with beef. I use this recipe:

Shiitake Mushroom Gravy


* half cup all purpose flour

* 3 tablespoons butter

* 12 ounces sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms

* 5 cups (about) canned low-salt chicken broth

* 1 teaspoon dried thyme

* half cup dry Sherry

* 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon chopped rosemary or 2 tablespoons dried

* third of a cup whipping cream

* 1 teaspoon dried tarragon


Mix flour and Sherry in small bowl until smooth paste forms. Melt butter in a large heavy saucepan over medium-high heat. Add shiitake mushrooms and rosemary and saute until mushrooms begin to soften, about 3 minutes. Add chicken broth to saucepan with shiitake mushrooms. Add flour paste and whisk until smooth. Bring mixture to boil, stirring frequently. Boil until thickened to light gravy about 10 minutes. Mix in cream, thyme and tarragon. Season gravy with salt and pepper.

10:00 Sep 03 2011

lol ... !!!


16:08 Sep 01 2011
Times Read: 2,078

Had to watch these again after finding them last night. Not only for the locations, the way they are filmed, but the freaking god like actions on the bike.



16:27 Sep 01 2011


18:06 Sep 01 2011

WOW. That was amazing. The guy on the bike is incredible. Great film, perfect music.

18:21 Sep 01 2011

WOW again LOL

I hadn't realised that the second film was Edinburgh to the Isle of Skye. I recognised so many places in it. If you ever get the chance to visit Scotland, this same route is a must. The Isle of Skye is beautiful. The hills are purple with heather.

Anyway, it's in the Outer Hebridies where I live, so you could pop across on the ferry and see where I live too. I have a couch LOL

19:04 Sep 01 2011

You got a deal Sulks. ;) I have a couch to, if you ever want to see the Eastern hills of Kentucky.

00:00 Sep 02 2011

Dayammmm! That was amazing AND somehow beautiful.

19:04 Sep 02 2011

I made Stabb play it on the big television screen. He's from Scotland, too, and we loved the scenery. The cyclist is just outstanding. His control of that bike is breathtaking.


15:12 Sep 01 2011
Times Read: 2,084

So is the life on VR.

I get a message from a member who wanted to know what it was like being a Master Vampire. We traded messages for a bit, talking of Coven VS Houses as far as what the difference is between them. Nice little chat.

Then I get a “Sup.” “Hello“ “How r u?” “Fine” “good good” *hits delete* These kind of chats I don't waste time with. And I am not that hard to talk to, I swear.

The pluses and minus of VR- comes down to its members to me.



19:30 Sep 01 2011

Sooooo with you on this one!

23:57 Sep 01 2011

I don't even bother with those and I've been forced to turn off biting, ugggh.


14:08 Sep 01 2011
Times Read: 2,106

Ok ladies.. and gentlemen who wish to, it is time to take those boob shots!! Morrigon said we had the seven people donate, so send me the photos.

We are going to list the members who wish to be listed, then the photos. Let you see if you can "Match the BOOB!" sort of game. :D

And Yes- we have a very nice chested male join the ranks. ;) Hey- who am I to turn down a nice male chest to look at. Nipples and all. ;) ;)

The show is for Monday or Tuesday so get the cameras, webcams, or cell phone going.

And thanks to all who donated to Otter, showing support to the breast.



14:21 Sep 01 2011

Awesome! but is it weird that I want to see people's boobs? o.O

14:37 Sep 01 2011

WOOOHOO Thank you so much. This means a lot. And the boobs are a perk.

14:46 Sep 01 2011

Heh...perky boobs.

AND...breast support...I'm a bra now.

14:51 Sep 01 2011

I assumed you meant moobs for a minute there with the gentleman part.

That was worrying. :P

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